Pearl of Paradise, The

Release Date:   November 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pollard Picture Plays
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Harry Pollard,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Beatrice Van, James Russell, Joseph Harris,
Story Summary:
Gomez, a hot-tempered toreador, murders his lover's husband and then escapes with his infant daughter Yulita to a deserted island, where he raises the girl in near total ignorance of the outside world. For the first twenty years of her life, the only white man besides her father whom she sees is the unscrupulous Dutch sea captain, Piete Van Dekken, who, after arriving on the island for a short stay, repeatedly tries to seduce her. Then, John Dellow and his fiancée Denise are shipwrecked on the island, and John and Yulita soon fall in love. Finally, a rescue ship comes, and John reluctantly leaves with Denise. Heartbroken, Yulita drowns while following in a canoe, after which John wakes up, realizes that his departure had been a dream, rescues Yulita from Piete, and sails with her back to civilization, where he plans to marry her. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Although Pollard Picture Plays Company was not technically a division of the American Film Company we have included their productions. All of the films star Margarita Fischer and as she was perhaps the star most identified with the American Film Company we feel it is important to list the films done during her hiatus to San Diego.
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