Franchise, The

Release Date:   October 16, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual-American
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field,
Story Summary:
Gilbert Warren and Arthur Fenton are law partners. Fenton is dealing in some crooked deals, and after continued reprimands, Warren severs his connection with the firm and opens an office of his own. Both men are in love with Louise Talcott, daughter of Colonel Talcott. She favors Warren, but when he leaves town Fenton begins to make things look black for him. The street railway franchise is about to be brought up and is given into the hands of Warren to check up. Fenton hears of this and reports to Colonel Talcott and the Mayor of the town that Warren is a grafter. The Colonel puts up a deal on Warren to test him out and he is found to be strictly honest. Later the Colonel and the Mayor apologize to Warren and Louise creeps into his arms. - Moving Picture World, October 21, 1916
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