
Release Date:   October 16, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Rea Berger
Writer(s):   Al Santell, Aaron Hoffman,
Confirmed Cast:   Clarence Kolb, Max Dill, May Cloy, Thomas Chatterton, George Ahern, Clarence Burton, Harry Bernad, Charles Lynch, William Spencer,
Story Summary:
Louie, a janitor, cleans a building where chemists are trying to turn base metals into gold. One night, an intrigued Louie combines a few chemicals, blows the place up and escapes with a jumble of notes from the chemists' project. He goes to a small town and interests Mike, a confectioner, in the formula for gold. Then high society's Harold Wainwright, stuck in the town, decides to exploit Louie's formula because his sweetheart Claire will marry him only if he shows an aptitude for business. The three men go to New York and, by "bluff," convince some Wall Street magnates to back them. Louie's formula never does produce gold, however. What it does produce is a puncture-proof rubber, which turns Louie and Mike into millionaires and Harold into a married man. -AFI
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