That Sharp Note

Release Date:   October 10, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual-Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   Al Santell,
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, Dick Rosson, John Steppling, Robert Klein, Al Santell, James Campiglia, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
Beezer leaves America with a note for Ambassador Jones to deliver from "Filson" to "the Flyser." After beating up a bunch of "Kingsland's" spies and some other adventures he hands the note over, and the Ambassador starts out to deliver it. Soon after, Beezer receives word that "Filson's" quarrel has been patched upwith "the Flyser" and the note does not reach its destination. - Reel Life, September 30th, 1916
Unique Occurences
Regarding the BFI print: Print begins with a dialog title card: “ We can not trust the code. No other nation but the one addressed must know the contents of the note ---“ President Wilson look-alike sends Sheehan to meet with other agents in Paris and then the Italian Alps. A bit confusing about who is who and what is what but some fun bits and scenery. Overall rather silly and low brow piece. - Dana Driskel
Additional Info

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