Citizens All

Release Date:   October 09, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Arthur Gooden,
Confirmed Cast:   Clarence Burton, Edward Coxen, George Field, Winnifred Greenwood, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
An argument between Johann Wagner, a music teacher, and Henri Dupin, a fencing master, is the cause of blighting their warm friendship. Intending to separate their son and daughter, Karl and Elsie, who are in love, they both seek new quarters, but unknown to each other, come to the same boarding house. Thus reunited, Karl and Elsie determine to marry. The two young people follow the advice of Mrs. Flannigan, the landlady, and hasten to the city clerk's office and declare their intentions of becoming citizens of the United States. Next they proceed to the parson's and are made man and wife. Time passes very slowly for the two old fathers, but not even MRs. Flannigan, the genial landlady, can effect a treaty of peace between them to forgive their children. At last one day Mrs. Flannigan comes with the good news that an heir has been born to the young house of Wagner. Both fathers don their best clothes and go to their home prepared to forgive all. When they meet at the crib side of the infant, however, their animosity returns, only to be soothed away by their grandchild's gurgle. Deciding that the most fitting celebration they can indulge in will be to take out citizenship in the grand old U.S.A., Grandfather Wagner and Grandfather Dupin leave arm in arm for the clerk's office. - Moving Picture World, October 21, 1916
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