Drawing the Line

Release Date:   August 23, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Writer(s):   Joseph Poland,
Confirmed Cast:   Lillian Buckinghan, Walter Spencer, Jack Richardson, Vivian Rich,
Story Summary:
Billy Home and Fred Harris both are in love with Edith. Billy's father was convicted of theft and Fred uses Billy's misfortune as a wedge to win his way into Edith's heart. Billy is given a chance assisting the village grocer. Fred causes his discharge by telling the tradesman of the short comings of Billy's father. Billy, driven to desperation, the next day rifles the grocer's till. Six years later Billy is the owner of an underworld resort. Lulu, one of the demi-monde, enters. With her is an intoxicated man, who, much to Billy's amazement, is none other than Fred. Billy questions Lulu, and learns that Fred has been "going the pace." Fred drops a note which Billy finds. It is from Edith begging Fred to let her know why he doesn't write and why he does not visit her. Billy decides to visit Edith and tell her where Fred is and why he does not write. At Edith's home he finds the girl gone blind. She told a pitiful story. Her father, an inventor, had died some years ago. Her legacy was her father's invention. Patent attorneys wrote Edith saying $300 would be needed to put the invention on the market. Edith had given Fred the money and he had gone to consult the attorneys. At intervals he wrote her for more funds. At length Edith had been forced to take in sewing. The strain had been too much for her eyes - she became blind. As the blind girl talks a letter comes from the city, it is from Fred, who confesses all, but Billy who reads the letter to Edith at her request, lies point blank to her, telling her that Fred has been ill and that you may expect him home in a month or so. Billy leaves and as he does so meets the doctor, to whom he gives a bountiful supply of money, and instructions to do for Edith everything that can be done. Billy returns to the city, where he resolves to make Fred mend his ways. He causes Fred to be overpowered and placed in an impoverished prison, where Fred must work hard and drink nothing but water. At length Fred is restored to his former state of sobriety and health. Billy tells him of Edith's misfortune. Then he takes from his pocket a roll of bills. To Fred he gives $1000 and bids him return to Edith with the news that the invention is sold. Meanwhile science has triumphed. Edith's sight is restored. She and Fred are happy in each other's love but the man who made their happiness possible - Billy - turns back to the weary hum-drum of his life in the underworld. - Moving Picture World, August 21, 1915
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