What's In a Name?

Release Date:   August 21, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   John Steppling
Confirmed Cast:   John Sheehan, Beatrice Van, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
Alderman Coyle Shea while fishing in the mountain brook with a cheap line attached to a pole becomes interested in a young man who lands a two-pounder with ease. Later the two are surprised by Dave Higgins and his hired man, who remove a pile of brush from a sign forbidding fishing on the grounds. The propose to haul Shea and the young man before the local justice, but the young man dumps the farmers into the creek and he and Shea make good their excape and part without introducing themselves. Shea brags about the fish at home until his wife and daughter Aileen are weary. He learns that P. Wadlington Burke is an admirer of Aileen's and announces that no man with that name can gain favor in his eyes. That evening he returns home and is dumbfounded when P. Wadlington Burke turns out to be the young man of the brook. Burke explains that P. stands for Patrick and Shea decides that Pat Burke is welcome into the family. - Motography, August 28, 1915
Unique Occurences
This appears to be the initial release of the second Beauty company, doubling the weekly output for the brand.
Additional Info

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