Torch Bearer, The

Release Date:   September 25, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   John Prescott
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford, Arthur Gooden,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Charlotte Burton, Marie Van Tassell, Harry Keenan, No Personal Information Available, Nate Watt, Marguerite Nichols,
Story Summary:
Millionaire John Huntley-Knox, the owner of the Boston Star, fights political corruption with the aid of William Wendell, the reform district attorney. One day John receives word that he will be visited by Janet Dare, the daughter of a man who once saved John's father's life. John's mother, apprehensive about the "Western" girl's visit, writes a friend about it, but her letter gets crossed with one extending an invitation to Janet. Although she is Eastern bred, Janet decides to play the part of a wild Westerner. Despite her tricks, she and John fall in love. One night, while looking through some papers, John learns that Janet is heiress to a large fortune. He also discovers a confession signed by a man who committed a murder of which John's father was accused. When the gang that is trying to ruin John attempts to kidnap his sister Henrietta but gets Janet instead, John and a group of boy scouts come to her aid. They discover, however, that Janet has held her own against her captors with a gun. All ends well when Janet is freed, John wins an important city election, and Wendell, who loves Henrietta, discovers that she feels the same way. -AFI
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