Three Pals, The

Release Date:   September 15, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Rea Berger
Writer(s):   No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Max Dill, May Cloy, Clarence Kolb,
Story Summary:
Farm boys Mike and Louie find a Chicago newspaper, and although they are semi-illiterate, they manage to decipher a want ad which says that Mike is heir to a fortune. They contact the attorney, Philo Markham, and receive $10,000, but Philo bilks them out of $9,500 by selling them a worthless ranch out West. On the train ride to see their property, they meet May, Philo's daughter. She leaves her worthless husband on the train, and becomes a dance hall hostess in a town near Mike and Louie's ranch. They become her protectors and extricate her from several dangerous situations. When she comes under the power of thieves, Mike and Louis rescue her by pretending to die in a fight and cashing in their insurance policy so that she can return to Chicago. Later, Mike and Louie move back to Chicago and get jobs at an expensive restaurant where they encounter Philo and May. They persuade Philo to doubly repay the money he bilked from them because they protected his daughter, and all ends happily. -AFI
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