Exile of "Bar-K" Ranch, The

Release Date:   August 09, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, J. Stewart, Walter Spencer, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Jimsey Eason, Charles Newton,
Story Summary:
Burt Towne saves Dave Burton from the fury of Tex, a drunk Mexican. Dave promises Burt if he ever gets the chance he will reward him for saving his life. Burt returns to Millie and his sweetheart, whom he would wed but for her sick mother, her excitable father and the little sister, all of whom demand her care on the "Bark-K" Ranch. Millie's mother dies. Burt renews his plea that Millie marry him. The father and sister deter the girl. Millie whispers a secret to Burt, who rushes off exultant to get the marriage license. Returning, Burt is shot in the back by Tex, the revengeful Mexican. He struggles desperately to ward off death, but Tex's bullet has found its mark. He scratches a message to Dave, the man whose life he had saved, begging him (Dave) to "come and make good with Millie, for I can't" Burt's riderless horse reaches Millie's cottage. Blood is on the saddle. Millie's father rushes in search of Burt, he finds the boy dead in the road. Then Millie confides in her father and is promptly driven from home. Meanwhile Burt's message is carried to Dave, who at once rides off to learn what it means. Months later Millie falls exhausted on a roadside. Here Dave finds her and tenderly he bears her to the home of his own sweetheart's mother. Her condition is discovered and the self-righteous matron refuses to give her shelter or aid. Dave finds a more compassionate neighbor where Millie is treated with love and care as she hovers at the doorway of death. The busybody gossips of the neighborhood cannot stand the strain on their mortality so they wait upon Dave and reprove him for his friendship for "such a woman". Millie overhears and with her babe held close prepares hastily to leave. Then a sheriff rides up bearing possessions of Burt, who was slain. Dave opens the package, his eyes fall on Millie's picture. He recognizes her as the girl to whom he was to make good. He discovers, too, his deep born love for the girl. Millie steals out but Dave overtakes her. He offers his heart and his name as her refuge. Sobbing yet happy Millie goes to his arms. - Moving Picture World, August 7, 1915
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