Light, The

Release Date:   September 07, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Dowlan
Writer(s):   Clifford Howard,
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, Franklin Ritchie, George Webb, Eugenia Forde,
Story Summary:
Until Abdul, Prince Zarak of India, falls in love with Lucille Cartier, her marriage to artist Cyril Edwards seems ideal. To break up the couple, Zarak forces Zonia, who loves the prince obsessively, to start a romance with Cyril, and gives her a love potion to make the job easier. When Lucille finds Zonia in Cyril's arms, she leaves her husband and, for solace, goes to Zarak, who hypnotizes Lucille and then orders her to fall in love with him. Just as the prince's plan appears to have worked, however, Zonia snaps out of her trance-like devotion to Zarak and, realizing how the prince has used her, tells Cyril about the love potion. Then, they rush to the prince's home, where Zonia murders Zarak and, moments later, kills herself. The death of the prince breaks his hold over Lucille, and she and Cyril are reconciled immediately. -AFI
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