Boomerang Gold Brick, A

Release Date:   September 06, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Writer(s):   Harold Hoadley,
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Josephine Taylor, Joseph Massey, John Gough, Charles Newton, Margaret McKenna,
Story Summary:
Armed with a couple of powerful bank rolls, Si Green and his wife come to the big city. They soon fall in with a pair of slickers who believe that a rube and his rubles are easily separated, especially as Si makes a flash of a big roll in paying off the taxi driver. This he does with a hundred-dollar bill, and gets his right change back in confederate money. They see the sights, something scandalous after this, and when the beautiful Ima Deville casts an eye on Si he turns a somersault. On the pretense of going to put his roll into the bank, Si escapes from the protecting wing of Mandy and is soon basking in the sunshine of Ima's smiles. She conducts him to a place which she designates as her home. Just as they reach a most interesting stage of the proceedings, U.R. Dunn, Ima's supposed father, arrives on the scene, greatly depressed for ready cash. To cut a long story short, Si buys a gold brick, and as it turns out soon discovers the fact. The hotel clerk also discovers that Si's money was confederate, and a hunt starts for him, ending up in the police court. Mandy also has been having her successes. She met the gentleman who owned the Park, and in return for the bugle in her stocking she received a clear deed to the city domain with the swans and fish thrown in for good measure. On the way to the police station Si sees Ima Deville rambling along with a satchel toward the railroad. He has her pumped out at the police station, where he gets his roll back. Later on, the gold brick does good service in tapping the nut of U.R. Dunn; Si gets all his wife's money back, and Dunn goes to the dungeon. - Moving Picture World, September 16, 1916
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