Mighty Hold, The

Release Date:   August 04, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Writer(s):   Joseph Poland,
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, J. Stewart,
Story Summary:
Helen Wade, after pleading in vain with Lewis Caldwell to make her his wife for the sake of their child, pins a note to the baby's dress, entrusting it to the care of some compassionate stranger, and leaving it in its crib, goes down to the river and commits suicide. Nan, a feminine Raffles, finds the baby. She tells her partner, Jim, that she has decided to adopt the child. Meanwhile, Caldwell's father dies. He seeks Helen far and wide. Five years pass and he can find no trace of her or his child. An automobile accident throws Caldwell and Nan together. They become friends, then lovers. When Caldwell proposes, Nan tells him the story of her past and how the finding of the baby had been her redemption. She shows him also the note in Helen's writing which was pinned to the child's dress. Caldwell is overwhelmed. He persuades her to continue to care for little Nathalie as his wife. - Moving Picture World, August 7, 1915
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