
Release Date:   September 04, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Confirmed Cast:   William Spencer, Vivian Rich, Alfred Vosburgh,
Story Summary:
The father of Richard Stanton has set his heart on his son becoming a clergyman. The father is a millionaire. Richard has fallen in with evil companions at college. When the father broaches the proposition of Dick becoming a clergyman Dick scoffs at it. Dick becomes fascinated with Colette, a cafe dancer. He tells his father he is going to marry her. The father declares he is not. Colette is bought off by Stanton, Sr., unknown to Dick. When Dick is spurned by Colette he believes she has fallen in love with another man. He finds Colette drinking wine with a young man in her dressing room. Dick and the young man battle. Dick hits him over the head with a wine bottle. Colette screams that Dick has killed him. Dick flees, but is seen by several thugs who knock him unconscious, take off his good clothes and dress him in a shabby suit. He is then placed in a small boat which is set adrift. When the father is informed by the police of the trouble his son is in he drops dead. Undine Bergold, of the little fishing village on Santa Isabel Island, is the granddaughter of Rev. Ab. Bergold. It is to this island that the boat containing Dick drifts. The fisherman pick his unconscious form up. No clue to his identity is on his body. He is removed to the pastor's home. A week later Dick recovers consciousness. When asked for his name he recalls the fight in the dressing room. Fearing he is being hunted for murder he pretends to have lost his memory. In a short time a love interest develops between Dick and Undine. Dick, his conscience heavy with his crime, cannot bring himself to ask Undine for her hand. Among debris cast up from a passing steamer Undine finds a newspaper. This paper contains the news that the country-wide search is on for Dick Stanton, heir to his father's fortune and that Dick is believed to be in hiding because he thought he murdered a man. It appears the man was only injured. Dick has become interested in church work. Realizing he can never ask this innocent maid to become the wife of a murdered, Dick resolves to leave the island secretly at night. Undine, afraid to tell Dick the truth for fear he will leave her, keeps secret the newspaper. Dick is stealthily leaving the house at night when Undine sees him. She begs him to remain. He tells her he loves her, but there is a reason he cannot ask her hand in marriage. Convinced Dick really loves her, Undine produces the newspaper. Undine consents to marry Dick and go to the city if her father may accompany them. This is agreed. The aged pastor calls a meeting of his flock at the little church. So affected is he by their grief at his leaving that he refuses to go. Undine, through love for her father, declares she must remain with him. That night, as a good night and goodbye prayer is being said at the Bergold home Dick, who is to leave on the morrow, receives a call to take up work of the aged clergyman. An epilogue shows the beautiful church erected by Dick in memory of his late father and as atonement for the actions which broke his father's heart. - Moving Picture World, September 16, 1916
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