Man Who Would Not Die, The

Release Date:   August 31, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Russell
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford, Mabel Condon,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Charlotte Burton, Harry Keenan, Leona Hutton,
Story Summary:
Loved by twin brothers, Ward and Clyde, Agnes marries Clyde who immediately begins squandering his wife's fortune. With funds running low, Clyde devises a plan to collect on his life insurance policy: he convinces Ward, who has never stopped loving Agnes and who is stricken with a terminal illness, to take his place, thereby making the insurance company believe that is Clyde who has died instead of Ward. Finding out about the plan, an angry Agnes manages to nurse Ward back to health, and falls in love with him during his convalescence. Then, Clyde hires Steve Mercer and Beth Taylor to murder Ward, but, growing impatient, he shoots his brother himself. When he goes to tell Steve and Beth that he no longer needs their help, they mistake him for Ward, and carrying out their instructions, kill him. Ward then recovers once again, after which he and Agnes are married. -AFI
Unique Occurences
The story is adapted from Arthur H. Gooden's story of the same name.
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