Two of a Kind

Release Date:   August 30, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Josephine Taylor, Joseph Massey, Hazel West,
Story Summary:
Mr. Henpeck was the unfortunate possessor of a bridge-playing wife and a squalling baby. Left at home to take care of the child, his misery multiplied when he received a note from his friend Smith, asking him over for a little game of poker. Desire finally overcomes discretion and he goes to Smith's taking the infant along. There this baby is placed in the hands of Bilkins, the butler, who takes it to the park for an airing with a wry face, as he does not like the job. At the park, Bilkins flirts with Tootles, a maid in charge of Mrs. Billing's baby. It is at Mrs. Billing's house that Mrs. Henpeck is spending her afternoon at bridge. Bilkins and Tootles finally part, but as they do so they mix the babies. The exchange results in mad confusion for two families, but Mrs. Henpeck at length sees the humor of the situation and much to Henpeck's delight smiles and forgives him. - Moving Picture World, September 9, 1916
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