Million for Mary, A

Release Date:   August 21, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Rea Berger
Writer(s):   Al Santell, Aaron Hoffman,
Confirmed Cast:   Max Dill, May Cloy, King Clark, Clarence Kolb, No Personal Information Available,
Story Summary:
Street vendors Mike and Louie, who take over a drugstore when the owner is killed, also become the guardians of his daughter Mary. Then, when Bob, the drugstore clerk, falls in love with Mary, Mike and Louie demand that he earn a million dollars before marrying her. Undeterred, Mike invents a pill that, combined with prayer, will cure anything. Orders pour in for the new drug, but when Mike and Louie's dog Fritz swallows some of the pills, he dies. Certain that, by marketing the pills, they have murdered millions, Mike and Louie attempt suicide by taking their own medicine. Rather than being poisonous, however, the pill simply contains a heavy narcotic. So, after several hours, Mike, Louie and Fritz wake up to find that Bob has sold the rights to the drug for one million dollars, and has begun making plans with Mary for their wedding. -AFI
Unique Occurences
This was Kolb & Dill's initial project for American and their first motion picture work.
Additional Info

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