Diablo, El

Release Date:   August 18, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Murdock MacQuarrie
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Richardson, Warren Ellsworth, King Clark,
Story Summary:
A sheriff is wanted for Sagebrush, Arizona, but there are no applications for the position. Living in a cave in the mountains, an outlaw, known as El Diablo , has made it plain that he has a special animosity for sheriffs. But there comes to Sagebrush a family by the name of Morton. Mrs. Morton opens a restaurant, while the son, Tom, learning that the sheriff's office is unfilled, applies for and receives the position. Tina, the daughter, hears of this and is fearful for her brother's life. Being an expert shot herself, she decides to rid the region of El Diablo, and with some blankets and provisions, she sets out for the mountains, without her mother's or brother's permission. The ever-watchful El Diablo sees her, and, taking her to be a man, engages in a gun fight with her, finally wounding her. Then coming upon her, he finds her to be a woman. A posse sets out at full speed to find Tina. El Diablo finally tells Tina why he has become a bandit, and why he hates sheriffs. During the telling of a pathetic story, Tina looks off and sees her brother and his men approaching. By a ruse she succeeds in getting the drop on El Diablo, but tells him that if hewill not promise not to harm her brother she will let him get away. This he promises, and when Tom and the posse appear, Tina tells them that she has seen nothing of the bandit. As the days go by El Diablo dreams of the girl he had captured, and finally, risking all, he goes to Sagebrush. Pulling his hat down over his face, he enters the restaurant. Tina comes to wait on him and they recognize each other. A mexican has seen the much-feared outlaw enter, and goes for help. In the kitchen Tom and Mrs. Morton become suspicious. The Mexican and several men start for the restaurant. El Diablo sees them coming and retreats to the kitchen. And there, as he gazes at Mrs. Morton, he recognizes in her his wife, and she learns that he is her husband. While Tom, finding out he is the son of the bandit, goes into the restaurant to put the men there on the wrong trail, but one of them catches a glimpse of El Diablo and a shot that is fired through the doorway, hits and wounds the terrorizer of Sagebrush. - Moving Picture World, August 26, 1916
Unique Occurences
Although the advertising lists Lizette Thorne in the cast she is not mentioned in the Reel Life cast summary in which the role of Tina is played by Kitty Wells.
Additional Info

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