Perkins' Mystic Manor

Release Date:   August 16, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Josephine Phillips, Joseph Massey, Josephine Taylor,
Story Summary:
Pinkney Perkins, who juggles law for a living, is willed a large estate by a grateful client. Unknown to him, the mansion, long deserted, has been usurped by a pair of Hindoo mystics - Princess Murad and her assistant, Mogul - and their slavey, Mecca. Perkins goes to inspect his new property and the Hindoos invoke the mystic power of the Sacred Sceptre of Old King Jam Boree to warn him to keep away. Ignoring the warning, Perkins enters the house and finds himself in a room fitted up in Oriental style, where he is seized and questioned by Mogul. He announces that he is the owner of the place, but Mogul refuses to vacate and Princess Murad resorts to vampire tactics to gain permission from Perkins to use the mansion. Mogul's jealousy is aroused by her apparent fondness for the intruder. The Princess and Perkins go into the gardens and the lawyer falls under the spell of the wiles of the Hindoo maid. Mogul plants a bomb under the bench on which they are sitting, intending to blow them up, but Pinkney discovers the explosive and makes a hasty retreat from the danger zone. Murad explains to Mogul that her fondness for Perkins was only pretended and a reconciliation follows. Mecca is in love with Mogul and when she discovers him embracing the Princess she lights the bomb in a jealous rage and kills them both. The Sacred Sceptre is broken in the explosion and Mecca flings it to the ground. Enraged at her insolence, it explodes, and Mecca meets an unexpected finish. At his office Perkins reads that he has been bequeathed another large estate. But once is enough for him, he decides, and he tears the will into bits and drops them in his waste basket. - Moving Picture World, August 26, 1916
Unique Occurences
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