Ruth Ridley's Returns

Release Date:   August 14, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Alfred Hollingsworth
Confirmed Cast:   Lizette Thorne, Edward Coxen, George Field, Dixie Stuart,
Story Summary:
Arthur Strong, a struggling young author, finds himself in desperate straits at the time when he needs but a few weeks' grace to complete his first novel. Through the efforts of his devoted mother he was able to proceed thus far but while Arthur fondly appreciated his mother's love and kindness, he fails to appreciate to what lengths she has gone to afford him his opportunity. The Strongs are threatened with eviction. Mrs. Strong hides their distressing circumstances from Arthur while he concentrates on his work and pleads for an extension of time on the payment of rent. Ruth Ridley is a trusted employee of the realty company. Upon the day of Mrs. Strong's visit she is checking up the monthly cash balance and before her on the desk near the cashier's wicket lie several piles of currency. These tempt Mrs. Strong when she calls. Returning home, Mrs. Strong explains to Arthur that she has secured a loan to carry them through. Back in the office the money is missed, Ruth is accused and later convicted of the theft and sent to prison. Arthur's success is assured. His mother loses her sight. In her affliction, she secretly believes her blindness to be retribution. Ruth, released, is hounded by Jackson, a fellow employee, and exposes her to the various managers of the places in which she seeks work. He endeavors to force her to split with him the money he believes she stole and secreted. Ruth becomes desperate. At this time Arthur advertises for a stenographer and Ruth secures the position. She makes good, but the strain of the situation tolls upon her. She realizes she is working for the son of the woman who caused her ruin and yet she dare not tell Arthur of his mother's guilt, for Arthur loves her and she returns his affection. Eventually she comes to live with them. Jackson resumes his blackmailing tactics. He writes that unless she leaves the library window open that night he will tell Arthur all. Ruth refuses, but through a mistake on Arthur's part the window is nevertheless left open. Jackson enters and is shot by Arthur as a burglar. Arthur now finishes his story, suggested by Ruth, and based upon her prison experience. The manuscript completed, Ruth reads it to Mrs. Strong, and as the tale is unfolded a full understanding comes to her. She realizes now who Ruth is and a full confession is followed by Ruth's forgiveness. Between them they agree Arthur shall never know. The last barrier gone, Ruth accepts Arthur's proposal. - Moving Picture World, August 26, 1916
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