Just As He Thought

Release Date:   August 06, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Dixie Stuart, Josephine Taylor, Joseph Massey,
Story Summary:
Al Cohall is blessed with a wife who rules him by the mother-in-daw method. Mrs. Banks calls daily and renders every room in the house a bedlam by her ubiquitous presence. In despair, Al drowns his sorrows in drink. A revival meeting, announced by Father Easter, is hailed by Al's relatives as a sure cure for his perverted nature. He is enticed to a meeting, but disgraces himself and his family. Father Easter tells them that the end of the world is at hand. Al scoffs at the warning, but when later he steals around behind some newly arrives cases to take a drink and finds the, marked in great big letters "G.O.D.," his fears are aroused and he rushes from the depot to spread the news to Father Easter and flock. He dashes to them with the announcement, of which the preacher is only too anxious to take advantage, because it bears out his own warnings of the end of the world. Wishing to be near as possible to Heaven when the end comes, and to steal a march on the others, he climbs on top of a haystack to await his doom. He falls asleep. A tramp crawls into the lower end of the stack to sleep, forgetting to put out his pipe, with the result that the stack takes fire. The revivalists and the harvesters all gather around the blazing stack, on top of which Al awakens at last, somewhat scorched, with the exclamation: "In hell, just as I thought." While the smoke from the burning stack is ascending in clouds, Al strikes a dramatic attitude and swears "Never Again." - Moving Picture World, August 12, 1916
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