Dare Devils and Danger

Release Date:   August 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, John Steppling, Dick Rosson, Earl Montgomery, Albert Thompson,
Story Summary:
The United States Government had conferred upon Art Howell the honor of improving a "Self-aiming-Gun" which had just been invented. Madge Dare and her brother, Jack, lived next door to Art. Jack was somewhat of an athlete and was practicing the international game of baseball when Madge called Art's attention and invited him over to her place. Art promised to come over and demonstrate the new invention. Then Jenks, Art's valet, taking advantage of his master's absence, signaled to two mysterious foreigners in a machine across the way. While Jack and Madge were watching Art demonstrate the gun, which he did by shooting a baseball in midair, the foreigners "blew" the safe that held the blueprints which showed the secrets of the invention, and started for the border. Art, on hearing the crash, rushed into his apartments to find the destroyed safe and the blueprints missing. He was at a loss, but Jack promised that he would give chase to the villains and bring back the precious documents. The speeding auto followed the motorcycle, raced trains, jumped ditches, smashed through fences, hurdled walls, and finally jumped the fence to a ball park, landing after a leap of forty feet. The jar disconnected the gas in some way and there was a terrific explosion. When the smoke cleared away, those who had come to see a ball game saw a wonderful fight between Jack and the two foreigners. Jack recovered the papers and rode for home. Jack, disheveled, rushed into the apartment at the dire moment and handed Art the papers. Jenks, the valet, muttered curses, but he muttered them too loud. Jack got wise, tipped off Art and the last of Jenks was a fleeing form scooting down the road with a "Self-aiming-Gun" pumping puncture pellets into his anatomy. Jack was the hero - but Art was there too, when Madge handed out the kisses and embraces. - Moving Picture World, August 12, 1916
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