That Gal of Burke's

Release Date:   July 28, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Confirmed Cast:   Anna Little, Frank Borzage, Dick La Reno, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Tommie Burke is a tomboy, and she can braid a hackamore, rope a steer, ride a bronco, or do any of the things cowboys usually accomplish. Arnold Blake, son of the wealthiest gentleman, is her companion on many wild rides and innocent escapades. Away back in the back bay district of Boston, Charles Percival is starting for the west, without the farewells of an uncle and two stern maiden aunts, who feel that he has disgraced them forever by his reckless habits. About the time he arrives at the Burke ranch, the latter receives his New York sister and her daughter Mabel. Percival accepts a job on the ranch. Mabel soon monopolizes Arnold Blake and Tommie finds more congenial company in Charles Percival. There are numerous opportunities for the portrayal of character and the presentation of scenes distinctively Western. A strong comedy feature is injected by Charles writing to his relatives in the east that he is kidnapped by Indians and held for ransom of $5,000. With the money thus secured, he buys a half interest in the ranch and by an exchange of love secures a controlling interest in Tommie. - Moving Picture World, August 5, 1916
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