Pastures Green

Release Date:   July 24, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Romance
Director:   Carl LeViness
Writer(s):   Arthur Gooden,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Alfred Vosburgh, George Periolat, Josephine Phillips,
Story Summary:
Bruce Blake belongs to the idle rich and is a constant source of worry to his people because of his escapades. As the story opens, he is waking up in his room after a night of more than usual gayety. His head troubles him, and suspecting that as usual he has committed some deplorable foolishness, he calls his faithful valet, Collins, and demands to be informed of the events of the night before. Collins modestly tells him he proposed to the sprightly French dancer, Minette Leday, that was all. But it was enough. The vivacious little French woman would be wise enough to hold him to his promise. What should he do? Collins has a farm in the mountains. He suggests that Bruce go there under the name of Collines, to escape the search Minette would surely make for him. As Collins, he goes, but the night of his departure, Minette dies mysteriously. Linking up the mystery of her death with the fact of Bruce's disappearance, the police start a hunt for Bruce and the newspapers spread the story broadcast. At the farm Bruce falls in love with a dairy maid and as he reaches an understanding with her the detective arrives to arrest him for the murder of Minette. Simultaneously with this, the city newspaper appears upon the scene with a story that the dancer died of heart failure and that the search for Bruce has been called off. Of course, happiness reigns and is none the less supreme when Bruce discovers that his pseudo dairy maid is really Helen Blair Coble, the daughter of a millionaire, who sought the precincts of a country village for romantic reasons, desiring to be loved for herself alone. - Moving Picture World, August 5, 1916
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