Dancer, The

Release Date:   July 17, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Carl LeViness
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, King Clark, Marguerite Nichols, Louise Lester, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Johnny Madden, the ambitious son of a prosperous farmer, tires of the dullness of country life, and much against his mother's wishes, goes to the city to seek his fortune. He leaves behind him a little, vain, foolish country girl, Daisy Brown, who loves him with all her shallow heart, and whom his mother expected him to marry. In the city he meets and loves Capella, a popular dancer. At first he sees her only in her spangles and stage finery, and worships her at a distance, but as he gets acquainted with her and sees her in ordinary street garments he loses his awe of her, proposes, is accepted, and they are married. They are initially happy, but Johnny's mother and Daisy Brown are not satisfied. They beg the wife to give up Johnny and let him return to his home. Yielding to their importunities Capella leads Johnny to believe she has voluntarily deserted him, and advises him to think of his mother, which he does. Mother sees at last, noticing his continued dependency, the mother reveals the plot. They find Capella in a hospital with a little baby, the image of Johnny and in their new joy the past is forgotten. - Moving Picture World, July 29, 1916
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