Cupid Takes a Taxi

Release Date:   August 03, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   E. Ballard,
Confirmed Cast:   Webster Campbell, Neva Gerber, John Sheehan, Rea Berger, William Carroll, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Bob is a spendthrift and a source of worry to his parents. Bob takes father for a thrilling ride in his runabout. A number of farmers' chicken coops are bereft of their feathered inhabitants, for the speeding automobile runs over chickens whenever the opportunity presents. Irate farmers compel father to make good. Meanwhile, Bob has come upon a maiden in distress, Mabel by name. Forgetting father, he takes Mabel to her home, sowing en route the seeds of acquaintance that soon ripen into love. Driven desperate, Bob's father disowns him, and Bob goes out into the world to establish himself. He becomes a taxicab chauffeur. Mabel's parents decide that she shall marry Clarence, a wealthy young dude, but Mabel despises Clarence. Her heart belongs to Bobby. Bob recieves a call for a taxi. He realizes that it comes from Mabel's home. Forewarned is forearmed, so Bob speeds to the marriage license bureau and equips himself before answering the call. He is told to drive Mabel, her parents and Clarence to the opera. He arranges with Mabel for her to meet him between the acts, which she does, and the pair speed to a waiting parson and are marries. Mabel's parents are astounded. Poor Clarence is foiled. Bob's father relents and the young couple are living happily. - Moving Picture World, July 31, 1915
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