
Release Date:   July 13, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   7
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Allegorical drama
Director:   Rea Berger
Writer(s):   Clifford Howard,
Confirmed Cast:   Audrey Munson, Alfred Hollingsworth, William Carroll, Eugenia Forde, Clarence Burton, Nell Franzen, Wallace MacDonald, Ashton Dearholt, Nigel De Brullier , Meta Drinkwitz, Alice Rooney, Hazel West, Marie Van Tassell, Josephine Phillips, Helen Howard, Mary Dunham, Martha Martin, Mollie Schafer,
Story Summary:
When Thornton Darcy first sees Purity, she matches precisely his image of Virtue, the guiding female spirit of the earthly paradise in his allegorical poem. Thornton and Purity quickly begin a romance, and when a publisher refuses to print Thornton's poems for less than $500, Purity decides to raise the money secretly, as an artist's model. Then, even though Purity's plan works and the poetry is published, Thornton ends his relationship with her when he finds out that she posed in the nude for Claude Lamarque. Finally, however, Thornton sees Claude's nude painting of Purity, called Virtue, and after realizing that his former sweetheart has served as the inspiration for a great work of art, he is reconciled with her. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Audrey Munson, the most famous artist's model of the era, played the dual role of "Virtue" during the allegorical opening of the film and also "Purity Worth" the young girl.
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