Deception, The

Release Date:   July 28, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Clyde Campbell,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
Violet Day is betrothed to a man named Black. Just before the day set for the wedding, Violet learns that the man she loves is married. She is prostrated by the shock. Dr. King, her physician, advises her to spend several months in the mountains that her recovery may be assured. As health returns to Violet in the mountains, love gradually enters her heart again. This time the object of her affections is Tom Sexton, a sturdy young mountaineer, who thinks Violet a mountain girl. She thinks him a mountain man. In reality both are children of the city, and, unknown to each other, both are living in the mountains at the suggestion of Dr. King. After a hard year in the city, Dr. King comes to the mountains for a vacation. He and Tom stumble upon each other. Tom implores the physician not to reveal to Violet the fact that Tom is not mountain born. Later Dr. King meets Violet. She implores him not to reveal to Tom the fact that she is from the city. Dr. King laughs. The secrets of the lovers are safe with him, for he realizes that "where ignorance is bliss, is folly to be wise." - Moving Picture World, July 24, 1915
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