Quicksands of Deceit

Release Date:   July 13, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Mutual-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Confirmed Cast:   Alfred Vosburgh, Vivian Rich, Queenie Rosson, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Ida Allen, an orphan, runs away from the home because of cruel treatment and is taken in by John Hardy, a gruff but kindly old farmer. The girl wins Hardy's affection by her care for him, and he adopts her, although he has a daughter about Ida's age, who has just returned from boarding school. Hardy's heart is set on marrying her to Hugh Conway, a young farmer, whose farm joins his, but she rebels, having fallen under the fascination of Paul Denny, a worthless chap, who has floated into the vicinity. Hugh is attracted to Ida, but accedes to the old man's plans. Eleanor is persuaded to elope with Paul, and shares her secret with Ida, who is unable to dissuade her. Eleanor deceives her father to think she is returning to school. The inevitable happens. Eleanor is deserted and sends for Ida, who still keeps her secret and cares for Eleanor and her child until Eleanor dies. Hugh finds a letter written by Paul to Eleanor which seems to account for Ida's disappearance, and Hugh and Hardy are forced to the conclusion that she has betrayed and disgraced the home. A letter addressed to Eleanor at school is returned and unclaimed, and Hugh finds out that she did not return to school. Paul is on the down grade and returns to get hush money from Hardy, threatening to tell things which will discredit his daughter. Hugh silences him and getting a clue to Ida's connection with Eleanor's tragedy, goes to search for her. Ida, struggling to care for the baby and herself, is surprised and taken home again to comfort Hardy and be protected by Hugh's love. - Moving Picture World, July 22, 1916
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