Two Slips and a Miss

Release Date:   July 12, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   Al Santell,
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, John Steppling, Meta Drinkwitz,
Story Summary:
Noah Goode, clubman when his wife wasn't around, had become acquainted with Midgi Lightoe, an actress. Mrs. Goode wondered where hubby spent his evenings and his twentyfive a week. She resolved to find out. The best bureau of information, and she didn't know it, was her husband's own bookkeeper, who had grown seedy in the service only to bump into Midge and have her acquire all his worldly goods. The she had cast him aside for his boss. But Tripp Murray was on the job and had long ago sworn vengeance. Mrs. Goode had decided to go to his office and force her husband to take her to lunch. She arrived just after Noah left. Tripp knew where they were going and pointed to a cab below. Mrs. Goode requested that Tripp join the party. They entered a cab and started after Noah. Unknown to them, Noah had seen them first, and they did not see him when he stepped from the cab into an adjoining automobile. They followed the cab, and when it came to a stop they were surprised to find it empty. Noad started with Midgi for the beach. Then the rush for the dressing room, the costume change and a dive into the tank. Noah disguised himself with a nice little rubber cap which he pulled down over his ears. Midgi was disguised in a most attractive bathing suit. When wife appeared in the spectators' gallery with Tripp he pointed out the couple to her. She decided to don a bathing suit and cope with the culprits. But Noah knew what was coming and he took Midgi and made a rush for the beach. Mrs. Goode signed her John Henry on the slip of paper at the valuable-desk. Tripp had an object of his own, especially when he pocketed the slip with Mrs. Goode's name on it. Mrs. Goode was in a hurry so wrote another one. Tripp told her he would meet her later. Tripp met Midgi and the ensuing conversation impressed him with the fact that Midgi was after Noah's money - not after his affections. Tripp gave Midgi the little identification slip he had "copped" at the valuable-desk and told her to get the swag and they would make a getaway. Tripp wandered about while Midgi went out to stall Noah, who had found some good-looking girls and was cavorting in the water with them. Madgi took refuge under the large umbrella and waited for Noah to return. Instead of Noah, however, came Mrs. Goode, who had decided to face Midgi. Midgi insisted that she didn't know that Noah was married, and to prove that he was chasing her she offered to change bathing suits with Mrs. Goode. They changed. Mrs. Goode decided to wait, but Midgi rushed away. In the bath house she met Tripp, and it was an easy matter for them to substitute Mrs. Goode's identification slip for Midgi's. The attendants "fell" and turned over Mrs. Goode's valuables. Mrs. Goode, in the meantime, had landed her hubby and demaded him to get dressed and start for home. When they arrived at the valuables' desk they discovered that Mrs. Goode's stuff was gone. They discovered Tripp and Midgi about to make their getaway in a machine. They chartered another one, and so started an exciting chase. Midgi forgot herself in the excitement and let drop the purse with Mrs. Goode's stuff in it. It fell in the path of the coming machine and the pin of the brooch pierced the tire. When Noah, seeing the damage, discovered the purse with the jewels sticking in the tire he smiled - then Mrs. Goode smiled. When Noah called Midgi a thief and a worthless thing, Mrs. Goode was satisfied and embraced her hubby, who promised "Never again!" - Moving Picture World, July 15, 1916
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