Newer Way, The

Release Date:   July 26, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester, Vivian Rich, Joseph Galbraith,
Story Summary:
John Bates, a farmer of the old school, has antique ideas and strenuously objects to the introduction of modern methods. His farm is mortgaged and George Ross, to whom Bates is indebted, is about to foreclose. Bates comes to Ross, who is an inventor, and begs an extension of the mortgage. Ross, however, considers Bates shiftlessness and refuses to grant him time. Bates denies the charge of shiftlessness and declares to Ross that were he (Ross) in Bates' position he would appear shiftless, too. "I would, would I," says Ross. Then and there an agreement is made that Ross will take over the management of the Bates farm for one year. The moment Ross takes charge he sets enthusiastically about the work of installing every conceivable kind of electrical device. At the end of the allotted year a wonder has been worked. The labor-saving devices of Ross' invention have proved to be money saving devices as well. The farm has been transformed and it's value increased. During the experimental year Ross has done much wandering through the fields and the mountains. He chanced to meet a little mountain girl, Betty by name, and between the two has sprung up a strong and binding friendship. The year ended, Ross goes as usual to the place where he and Betty were accustomed to meet. She is nowhere to be found. Ross at once starts in the direction from which Betty often had come, in search of her. Up in the mountains, Ross finds Betty living alone with her mother. About the mother there is something strangely familiar, Ross looks, then looks again. The mother of this little mountain girl is none other than his long lost wife, as estrangement has occurred years before and from that day to this Ross never had been able to find his wife. There is great rejoicing in this mountain cabin. Husband and wife reunited in the happiness that rightfully is theirs, agree to live as before the quarrel. - Moving Picture World, July 24, 1915
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