Love's Bitter Strength

Release Date:   July 10, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Alfred Hollingsworth
Writer(s):   Anthony Coldwey,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Lizette Thorne, George Field,
Story Summary:
Richard Belmont and his bride, Paula, return from their honeymoon and are happily established in the Belmonts' city house. Almost immediately following this a serious accident occurs. Paula, returning from Dick's office in her high powered roadster, runs over a cliff, and the car is totally wrecked. Before, anyone learns of the accident Paula partially recovers and, still somewhat dazed, crawls into an open box car near by. Dick is almost distracted by Paula's mysterious disappearance, and a general search commences, which results in the discovery of the wrecked car, and Paula's cap beside it. He is unable to get any further trace of her. Meanwhile Paula is carried out into the country and recovers to find herself in a strange place with no recollection of who she is or where she came from. She finally finds refuge at the farmhouse of Jim Benton, who lives alone with his mother. They care for Paula until she recovers completely with the exception of regaining her memory. Time passes, and the search instigated by Dick is given up. Meanwhile, at the farm, Jim has fallen deeply in love with Paula, who refuses to consider marriage until she learns her past. Jim leaves for the city on business with the intention of bringing a specialist back with him to examine Paula. He has business connections with Dick's firm and is taken into his home during his stay. There he learns the story of the strange disappearance of Dick's wife, and, through a painting of her, recognizes her. A struggle follows, and the right prevails. Jim tells Dick of the likeness of his wife's portrait and the girl on the farm. They rush back to her, and the shock of their meeting affects Paula's cure. - Moving Picture World, July 22, 1916
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