Wait and See

Release Date:   July 21, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Social Comedy
Director:   William Bertram
Writer(s):   Flora Snyder,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field,
Story Summary:
Beth Manners is a young woman who paints china for a living. The money that she earns is never great, although enough to buy her the necessities of life. Rodney Norton is wealthy. Rodney sends his valet to his shoe shop to have a pinching shoe stretched. The valet meets a pretty nurse girl and in ensuing devotion loses his master's shoe. Beth Manners finds it. At length Rodney learns who has his patent leather property and calls on Beth to redeem it. He promptly falls in love. A rich estate is left to Rodney with the condition that he must relinquish it if the lost heir or heiress is found. Through a combination of circumstances Rodney learns that Beth Manners is the rightful owner of all his wealth. A battle with his conscience ensues, shall he relinquish the girl when she comes into possession of her birthright, or shall he declare his love, an action which he considers against his principles. The money and property are turned over to Beth, but Rodney does not lose. The girl has awakened to realize that all the estates in the world are not worth an honest love. A quiet wedding is the closing scene. - Moving Picture World, July 17, 1915
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