To Melody a Soul Responds

Release Date:   July 14, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Writer(s):   Al Stillman,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Joseph Galbraith, Ashton Dearholt,
Story Summary:
Krieg, an old master at the violin, is dying. His last days on earth are embittered by the fact that he has been called upon to make good certain promissory notes which he once had endorsed for a friend. Payment of the notes is demanded. The life savings of the old violinist are consumed. It means that Elsa, his daughter, will be a penniless orphan. Here Elder, the manager of a phonograph company, steps in. He proposes to Krieg that the latter play his masterpiece, "The Sunbeam Path", for the making of a phonograph record. Krieg agrees, then summons all his fast ebbing strength to play the great piece once more. He is sure that his royalties will keep Elsa from want. In gratitude the old man promises to guard ever the agent from the heavenly world to which he (Krieg) soon is to journey. After the old man's death, Elsa and Elder are married. They are blessed with a little daughter, Agnes. Their domestic happiness is complete until Dehoff, a famous pianist, comes between them. Coming home one night Elder discovers Elsa in the pianist's arms. Through the power of his talented fingers upon the piano, Dehoff worked evil influence on the young wife. With drawn revolver, Elder advances into the room. There is murder in his heart. Ere he can raise the gun to fire, the strains of "The Sunbeam Path" strike sweetly on his ears. The sound comes from their little daughter's bedroom. She has placed the record on the instrument, and a vision of the white haired old master has appeared. Elsa, too, hears the strains, and she is awakened to a realization of Dehoff's subtle intent. She repels the man who would destroy her home. Elder, all thoughts of violence driven from his mind, by what he has witnessed, takes his wife in his arms. Together they go to their child's bedroom. As they embrace near the sleeping child, again the vision of Krieg appears, thankful and rejoicing. the old music master has kept his promise, and repaid the debt of gratitude. - Moving Picture World, July 17, 1915
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