Zaca Lake Mystery, The

Release Date:   July 12, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Thomas Middleton,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Henry Otto, William Bertram, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
Slippery Joe, an outlaw, is tracked into a mountain fastness by a fearless sheriff, who goes alone on his man-hunt mission. In the mountains, John, a moner, strikes it rich. Overjoyed, he holds up for his daughter's admiration a bag of nuggets which he washed from his pay dirt find. Slippery Joe is an unseen witness to this act, and when Neil, the daughter, is alone in the house, the outlaw enters, binds and gags her, and makes away with the chamois bag of riches. Mounting the miner's horse, Slippery Joe makes his escape in the highlands. A lonely ranger comes upon a man canoeing, who gives the name of Mr. Bond of San Francisco. The ranger invites him to stay over night at his quiet cabin in the mountains. John, the miner, and Neil, in search of the man who robbed them, stop at the ranger's home. Neil at once is struck by the resemblance of Mr. Bond to the man who stole their gold. The ranger then tells her that Bond is in the mountains in search of a twin brother, who doubtless is the outlaw. Meanwhile, the sheriff finds the horse - the horse of John, the miner, which the outlaw has stolen, then abandoned. The sheriff, too, is struck by the remarkable resemblance of Mr. Bond and Slippery Joe. Mr. Bond and Neil go canoeing. While they are gone, a man, half conscious, staggers into camp. He names himself Mr. Bond of San Francisco. He tells of being attacked by an outlaw and compelled to change clothing with the lawless man of the mountains. Then the outlaw's plot is revealed. The Mr. Bond, out canoeing with Neil is in reality the man they seek! The sheriff and the others make to arrest him. On the shore of Zaca Lake they find Neil and her companion. She has him "covered" with her revolver. In her hand she holds the stolen chamois bag of nuggets. She, too, had learned the desperado's ruse, and forced the issue. - Moving Picture World, July 17, 1915
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