Secretary of Frivolous Affairs

Release Date:   July 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   4
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   May Futrelle, No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   May Allison, Harold Lockwood, Carol Holloway, Josephine Ditt, Wallace MacDonald, Hal Clements, Lillian Gonzales, Blanche Light , Carl Von Schiller , William Ehfe, Lucy Peyton, Louise Linn,
Story Summary:
Hired by Mrs. Hazard to keep a watchful eye on the romantic intrigues of Hap and Laura, her children, Loulie, the new social secretary, quickly ingratiates herself into the well-to-do Hazard household. When Natalie, Hap's fiancée, and other guests begin to lose jewelry, however, suspicion is cast upon Loulie. Eventually, the thefts are traced to Winthrop, Laura's fiancé, who denies the charges and takes off in his motorboat. Hearing noises in the night, Loulie descends the mansion stairs and interrupts a gang of men stealing the family artwork. Loulie is kidnapped, but escapes from the thieves' hideout and is rescued on the beach by Hap. Later, Thomas, a detective posing as a footman, catches the Duc de Trouville absconding with the Hazard paintings. With the help of Hap, Thomas apprehends de Trouville and his accomplices. Winthrop is cleared and Hap and Loulie happily marry. -AFI
Unique Occurences
The story is confusing at times, but on the whole makes very good entertainment. - Moving Picture World, July 24, 1915
Additional Info

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