High Cost of Flirting, The

Release Date:   July 07, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy-romance
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, John Stettling, George Field, Lillian Knight,
Story Summary:
Ethel Dunne and Jack Blakeney are lovers, despite the objections of Ethel's father. Pater Dunne has just admonished the young couple, particularly his daughter, when he falls captive to the winking wiles of a flirtatious gypsy beauty. It is a put up job. Dunne is in the act of kissing the dark skinned girl, when her young husband appears with drawn stiletto and the corpulent Dunne makes a hasty and undignified exit. Tony, the husband, sends a black hand note to Dunne, who consents to place $1000 in a designated spot to escape an Italian bomb. Ethel and Jack find the note, and take a hand in proceedings. When Dunne leaves the money, Jack seizes the swarthy Tony, arrests him, and puts the money in a bank to Ethel's credit. Next morning's paper informs Dunne that the plot miscarried. Where is his money? He sets out to investigate. He finds the satchel that contained it, and thinks, of course, that the money is still there. Arrived at his home, he tells of his great bravery in foiling the designing gypsy. Jack and Ethel finally choke him off by revealing their part in the little comedy. He can but accept defeat gracefully and give the happy pair his paternal blessing. - Moving Picture World, July 3, 1915
Unique Occurences
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