Mountain Mary

Release Date:   July 05, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Joseph Galbraith, Charles Newton, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
A feud exists between Hazen Doone and Giles Turell, both grizzled old men of the mountains. Wandering in the rugged heights, Giles comes upon Hazen, whom he shoots from ambush. Hazen is wounded in the arm, but manages to reach his mountain home. There he discovers that Ivan, his son, has returned from the city, where he has been a student of art. Ivan vows to avenge the wound of his father, and Mary, the young man's mother, suggests a form of revenge more terrible to their foe than death - the ruination of Giles' dearly loved daughter, Mountain Mary. The artist sets about his mission. Shaving his beard, he proceeds to pitch camp in the mountains, not far from the Turell cabin. He is dabbing idly with his brush, when Mountain Mary comes upon him. Ivan becomes a visitor at Giles' cabin, and, though the aged feudist sees something familiar in the young man's features, he does not recognize his mortal enemy's son. Ivan awakens to a realization that he loves Mountain Mary. He is torn by conflicting emotions - love for the girl and the promise he had made to his wounded father. Love for the girl and the promise he had made to his wounded father. Love for the girl, however, triumphs, and they plan to elope and marry. Then Ivan receives from a friend a picture of a woman from which he is asked to make a painting. He is studying the features when Mary comes upon him. She thinks that the picture is of her former sweetheart and bursts into tears. Running to Giles, her father, she tells that Ivan is insincere. In a rage, old Giles shoots Ivan, and the wound is a dangerous one. He has learned, too, that Ivan is the son of Hazen, his lifelong foe. In a flash, Mountain Mary's disappointment is forgotten and her love for Ivan asserts itself. Carrying her rifle with her, she runs to the wounded man, for whom she summons a doctor. At the point of a rifle, she compels her own father to aid in comforting the man he shot. Then Hazen comes up. He, too, is made to assist his enemy in caring for the young man. Ivan explains to Mary the circumstances of the picture. The two embrace. Astounded, the two fathers make as if to grapple. Then Mountain Mary steps in. Taking the grizzled hands of her father and his foe, she places them together. For a moment the old men falter. Then their fingers close in a hearty clasp that marks the end of the feud. - Moving Picture World, July 3, 1915
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