Wife Wanted

Release Date:   April 28, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Frank Clark,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, John Steppling, George Field, William Bertram, Edith Borella, Bessie Banks, Bert Harmer, Frank Nicely, Marjorie Greenwell, Mary Scott,
Story Summary:
Tired of bachelorhood, Andy Fortune resorts to a "want ad" to secure a wife and receives replies from willing women of all ages and color. In one envelope there is enclosed a photo of a bathing girl and the challenge "Find me," which meets with Andy's romantic nature. Consequently he goes to Miramar Beach in search of the original and on several occasions thinks he has found her, but each time is disappointed. J.D.P. Moore and his daughter, Ruth, are also staying at the beach and become acquainted with Count Raphio, whom her father thinks would make a good match for his daughter. Ruth objects, declaring that her choice must be a man and not a title. Ruth, hearing of the manner in which Andy had saved a young girl from drowning, informs her father that the man she marries must be heroic and fearless and the father decides to make a hero out of the Count. Ruth is to be attacked by a gang in the Count's employ while this worthy gentleman, stationed nearby, is to accomplish her rescue. The stage is all set and all would have been well had not circumstances under which he had no control prevented the Count from fulfilling his part of the arrangement. However, the girl is rescued by Andy who sees the attack and rushes to the rescue. While the ruffians are taking their vengeance out on the Count. Andy recognizes the girl of the picture who promises to become his wife. - Moving Picture World, April 24, 1915
Unique Occurences
Also known as "Wife Wanted" but the title listed above was used for copyright. (LU 5408)
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