No Quarter

Release Date:   April 27, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Virginia Kirtley, Fred Gamble, Joseph Harris, Webster Campbell,
Story Summary:
Mrs. Smith's gas and electric light bills being exorbitant, she is advised by the clerk at the company's office to have prepaid meters installed which require 25 cent pieces to operate. Later the Smiths give a dinner in honor of their daughter, Peggy, whose engagement to Reggie Ruggles has been announced. While the dinner is in preparation, the supply of gas gives out and the frantic Mrs. Smith appeals to the guests for a quarter in change. Not being able to get one, she tries to use a button in the meter without success. The arrival of the gas company's trouble man does not help matters, as he finds the button stuck in the meter slot and Mrs. Smith's pleadings prove of no avail against this breach of company rules. However, by the use of an inverted electric iron and the dining room fireplace the food is served, considerably scorched and burnt, to the now anxious guests, but the horrified hostess is nearly prostrated to note that the electric lights incline to dimness. As the health of the guests of honor is being drank the room becomes totally dark, but lucky, a tardy arrival is able to supply the needed "quarter." As the lights are turned on, several events are shown whose tragic results are the breaking of Peggy's engagement and a breach between her maiden aunt and portly retired farmer who is courting her. The sudden illumination shows Reggie holding the hand of the maid servant in mistake for Peggy's and the supposed temperate Mr. Meeker, tossing off a glass of liquor with gusto. The next day a letter to the daily papers recalling the invitations for Peggy's wedding is dispatched by Mr. Smith with instructions not to forget to mail them, but the necessity of laying in a quantity of quarters takes him to the bank and he forgets to mail the letter. In the meantime a doctor has prescribed sherry and egg for the weeping Peggy and the maiden aunt is sent for the wine, where she is discovered by Mr. Meeker, her beau, who chides her about her purchases and gains her forgiveness. The penitent Reggie calls with a bouquet for his sweetheart and is ushered into her presence by the servant. He receives a pardon as Mr. Smith returns with a supply of coins for the meters, which caused all the trouble. - Moving Picture World, April 24, 1915
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