Poet of the Peaks, The

Release Date:   April 12, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   David Lythgoe, Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
Lydia Lovell, a heartless society butterfly, is one of the guests at Philip Granger's shooting lodge in the mountains. Perched on one of the highest peaks is a solitary cabin, the abode of Dane Strong, who from his poems, has gained the cognomen of "The Poet of the Peaks." Lydia and Granger discover Strong at his cabin door. As they climb they come upon Strong, whom Granger introduces as an old friend. Lydia, inquisitive, wants to know about the lonely man and expresses a wish to visit the cabin, but Granger, fearing the coquette's desire for admiration would ensnare the poet, refuses. Next day, Lydia pretending to lose her way, knocks at the door of the solitary cabin. Lydia accepts Strong's invitation to rest awhile and begins to spin her web to captivate the heart of the unsuspecting poet. On leaving Lydia asks permission to take a copy of Strong's poems and the poet gladly consents. A few days later as Lydia and Strong return to the shooting lodge from a mountain climb, Lydia explains clearly to Granger how she became acquainted with the poet and after Strong has left, Granger pleads again with Lydia to leave him alone. Lydia, flattered that her power is recognized, unheeds the plea and meets the now infatuated poet daily. Not satisfied to leave her plaything in solitude, Lydia begs him to come to the city, promising that he shall become famous and happy as well. Granger wishing to enlighten Strong to read the character of his temptress interrupts the lovers and reads a poem of John Keats which he hopes will bring Strong to his senses. Lydia, realizing the intent of the verses, indignantly leaves and Strong, bewildered, seeks the solution from Granger who tells him that she is not what she seems and to beware of her charms. Strong, beside himself with anger, declares that Granger lies and that he knows she is as good as she is lovely and then ashamed of his action goes in search of Lydia. Upon Lydia's return to the city she writes a note to Strong begging him to come to her, and he proceeds to the city arriving at his tempter's house as she is entertaining. As Strong's card is handed to her she laughingly pushes the guests into another room saying that her "poet of the peaks" has come and she must be alone. Strong's presence prompts Granger, who is present, to again implore Lydia to stop her flirtation with the young poet. As the weeks pass by, Strong in answer to Lydia's request that he has become more famous by writing more and more, tells her that he cannot do so among the dirt and noise of the city. "You say you love me," he says, "then come to the mountains where we can be happy." But Lydia, picturing herself as the wife of a rustic mountaineer, bursts into laughter. Strong in leaving Lydia's house meets Granger who invites him to his home for a quiet chat. When they are alone Granger, determined that Strong shall be saved, tells him Lydia's past. Strong deeply affected by the story, returns to Lydia's home to learn the truth, but as he approaches the window is attracted by the voice of Lydia entertaining two guests with the description of their affair. Swaying like a drunken man, Strong takes the pad from his pocket and scribbles a note saying "Goodbye. I've gone back to the mounains. Philip Granger was right; you are LaBelle Dame Sons Marci," and returns to his solitary cabin where to his maddened brain there appears the phantom form of Lydia which he follows to the edge of a cliff and, losing his balance, falls to his death below. - Moving Picture World, April 10, 1915
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