Secret of the Submarine - Episode 06, The

Release Date:   June 26, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual Special Feature
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   George Sargent
Story Summary:
Mahlin disappears after the melee in the Del Marr home. Barnacle has the books. Has Cleo won? The suspense is not long, for the books do not contain the great secret. The conspirators set out on the trail of one, Fitzmaurice, who, Hope learns, has gone to Point Sierra Light. He, with Cleo, charters a launch. Olga and Morton, with Sextus, do likewise. Hook, left by Hope, hides on Olga's launch. Satsuma learns the government has mined the channel. He and Mahlin board the express to make the trip overland. Hope narrowly misses a mine. As his launch reaches the light, he sees a launch following, blown up. This is Olga's launch. She and Morton cling to the wreckage. Hook rides safe on a locker. Sextus is drowned. Hope learns Fitzmaurice has gone to Santa Cruz Island. He and Cleo promptly follow, despite warnings from the keeper. Satsuma and Mahlin reach the light to discover Hope and Cleo eluded them. Overpowering the keeper, they shut off the light. Hope, out at sea, turning to take his reckoning, discovers the guiding light out. - Moving Picture World, June 1916
Unique Occurences
See Episode One for cast listing.
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