Jealousy's First Wife

Release Date:   June 25, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Carl LeViness
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Alfred Vosburgh, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
How the canker of jealousy slowly but surely eats into the mind of a husband is the subject of Jealousy's First Wife, a powerful two-part society drama from the American-Mutual studios. The green-eyed monster has wrecked more than one home and ruined more than one life, but the most pitiful case is where the suspicion is unfounded and the self-deception without basis in fact. Homer Withington, according to the story, is a successful business man because he used his brains, and an unsuccessful husband because he failed to use them. Homer is obsessed with one fear-the faithless nature of his wife. He believes that his wife is entertaining callers while he is away. On one occasion he accuses her of flirtations with Truax, a man she does not know. Some time later Truax's machine knocks Helen down. He takes her home. The young man is arranging the cushions for her when Homer enters. He does not wait for an explanation. Helen, banished; wanders into the park. She is kidnapped and imprisoned in an apartment. Helen manages to scribble a note, telling of her plight, and drops it out the window. It falls into the hands of Truax, who rescues her. He takes Helen to her husband and forces Homer to listen to the truth. Then she leaves him, and the lesson of fidelity and devotion has come too late for him to profit. Some time later, after Helen has secured a divorce, Truax wins her for his own. - Reel Life, June 3, 1916, page 9
Unique Occurences
Note that the summary refers to the "American-Mutual" studios. As the publication REEL LIFE was Mutual's promotional weekly this branding is predictable. However, Mutual only handled American's distribution for North America and never participated in the ownership of the American Film Company.
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