Secret of the Submarine - Episode 05, The

Release Date:   June 19, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual Special Feature
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   George Sargent
Story Summary:
A few seconds before the bomb hurtled by Morton, fell into the cellar where Cleo lay bound, she was dragged to safety through a secret passageway by Hook, who had been prowling around on the outside. Cleo and Hook find Lieut. Hope just recovering consciousness. Olga and Gerald escape uninjured. Stephansky is killed. Satsuma witnesses the explosion. Hope, Cleo and Hook make a quick examination of the book which Stephansky purchased. While it was one of the Burke books, it is not the right book. All the conspirators hear this. The next name on the list is that of Mrs. Del Marr, wife of the British Consul at San Francisco. All make haste to reach her. Mrs. Del Marr bought the books for her nephew, who is out of the city, but expected back that night. Mrs. Del Marr's secretary is Fedor, secret agent in the employ of Olga, who arranges for invitations to Olga and Morton. Lieut. Hope has already received an invitation and Mahlin is among those present disguised as a servant. Olga recognizes the Del Marr home as a former rendezvous of Russian spies. She shows Morton and Fedor various secret passages. One passageway open into the reading den. Hook is prowling around on the outside. Mrs. Del Marr tells Hope and Cleo the books are in her den. The conspirators hear this. Mahlin begins a quick perusal of the books. Olga and Morton from the secret passageway see him and are puzzled by his action. Mrs. Del Marr, Cleo and Hope start to the reading room. Mahlin hears them coming and jumps behind a bookcase dropping, the two much sought-after books on the floor. Olga, from the passageway, turns off the lights in the room. Hope turns them on. Francois, who had been reading in the den, is found unconscious on the floor, where Mahlin laid him low. Mahlin, fearing discovery, dons a black mask. Cleo sees Mahlin crouching behind the book case. She screams and Mahlin and Hope struggle. They fight desperately through the room and out into the hall. A mysterious hand reaches through the panel and gets the two books on the floor. Hope and Mahlin battle down the long staircase into the guests in the ball room. Moving Picture World, June 1916
Unique Occurences
See Episode One for cast listing.
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