Pedigrees, Pups and Pussies

Release Date:   June 18, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Lucille Ward, Joseph Massey,
Story Summary:
Father's rest is a sad affair. Cats and more of them habituate the back fence, and old boots, shoes and shoe brushes do not seem to keep them away. Even six shots from a revolver only move them for a bare instant, so father ties a pillow about his ears and endeavors to sleep in spite of meows. In the morning he is very irritable and his daughter, Shapely, inquires the cause. Father tells her the story and she persists in laughing. He reads the paper and comes across the advertisement of a dog fancier who lauds the watchful prowess of his canine wonders. Father decides to pay him a call. Shapely, while trying to recover father's boots and other car munition, kicks the ladder out from under her and is marooned on the roof. Mike, her lineman lover, working nearby on a pole, is called into play and rescues her. As a reward for his help she allows him to hold her hand and whisper sweet nothings. Father has purchased a ferocious-looking bull pup with a long and loud pedigree. Father really purchased the pedigree and fondly reads it as he wanders homeward. Mike sees him coming and bids a hasty adieu to Shapely. Father arrives and shows her the dog and the pedigree, now certain that his rest will be undisturbed. Later, realizing that a pedigreed dog should have a pedigreed master, father procures a "family tree" which becomes his delight. He drills Shapely in the history of her ancestors, but her mind runs to romance and not lineage. She steals away and meets Mike. Mike has made friends with a wandering pup and fondly displays his find. Father, while looking for Shapely, discovers his pedigreed pup sound asleep, and his loud yelling will not awaken him. Then he sees Mike and informs Mike that Shapely is of royal lineage and must not marry a commoner. But things change, and that evening while father is admiring his family tree Morpheus bids him go to slumber, so he takes himself to his couch. Shapely lets Mike into the house, and Mike's little pup is also a welcome visitor. Shapely shows Mike the family tree and therein Mike discovers a pasted page telling of one of father's ancestors, one Robin Dair, who was hanged for horse stealing. And while they wonder, father is awakened by the piercing cries of many cats on the back roof, and gazing down into the yard sees his pedigreed pup still soundly sleeping. Father angrily rushes out and discovers Shapely and Mike together. But Mike's dog barks longingly to be at the cats, so father turns him loose. The dog gleefully rids the back roof of felines and father is expressive in his joy. Mike sees the opportunity for a killing and springs his request for Shapely's hand. Father again explains the matter of lineage, but when Mike hints that something on father's tree is not very complimentary to his family, father looks about in wonder. When father discovers the sad tidings he destroys his proof of lineage and gives his consent to the eager Mike, being content in having a dog in the family who is "on the job" and capable of coping with cats. - Moving Picture World, June 24, 1916
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