Thinim Stout

Release Date:   June 11, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Nate Watt
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Lucille Ward, John Gough,
Story Summary:
Thinim is the chief of a great thinning establishment organized to make fat people thin and thin people thinner. Little Stout and Mrs.Stout are hardly a matched pair, since mrs. Stout is stouter than Stout. Stout’s idea of “class” is the thin women and Stout makes no secret of it to his spouse. She catches him flirting with one of the thin ’uns and weeps copiously, but he pacifies her and takes her to the park for an airing. Here they come across an advertisement in the paper and come across Thinim’s advertisement. The Stouts decide to call on him. Thinim has no trouble impressing the Stouts with his wonderful system. Mrs. Stout enrolls in the class, but first insists that thinim try the course on her husband. Stout is loath to be the “fall guy”, but Thinim and his flunkey helper hold and force him to drink some of “Thinims Thinning Fluid.” Once the stuff is in his system they take him to the Apparatus Room for the rest of the cure. Stout is thrown in to the steam room and enveloped with steam under pressure. Mrs. Stout commences to feel doubtful about her husbands health and watches him through the glass peephole in the furnace floor .Thinim soon decides that Stout has been “steamed” enough and lets him in to the “Dry Room,” a place full with heat and little air. Stout soon dries up and sags under the ordeal. Mrs. Stout pleads that Thinim allow her hubby to come out in to the open and offers the thinning magnate many sheckels if he will comply. Money does not move him, but when the fair lady weeps many tears Thinim’s heart softens and opens the door to Stout. But the Stout that staggers out is not the Stout that was forced in. he is thinned to the bone, and the once nicely fitting clothes hung of him like so many rags.thinninm helps him to the office where he falls into a chair completely unnerved. Mrs. Stout looks at the shadow of her former husband and threatens to go in to hysterics. Again she pleeds with Thinim to help her, and restore  to his former rotundity her poor little hubby. So Thinim breaks the rules and takes from his safe his “Anti-thin Fluid,” one gulp of which brings fat and strength. He gives Stout a dose and lo! and behold!  The shriveled person slowly resumes his former shape. Thinim turns his head upon the sad scene of a happy reunion, but Stout, imbued with fat and strength, cannot forget his harsh treatment and wreaks on Thinim a hearty vengeance. - Moving Picture World, June 17, 1916
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