Pilgrim, The

Release Date:   June 09, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Writer(s):   Edward Kaufman,
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Anna Little, Dick La Reno, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
The pilgrim first makes his acquaintance as he trudges on his weary burro in the trackless wastes of the desert, approaching a western settlement. He is one of the ordinary sights. He gains but scant attention from those he meets. Pausing at a saloon, the first chance to indulge, he swaps a pair of spurs for a drink and sits down at the table to enjoy it. He makes a hit with Jim Niles, foreman of Dudley's ranch, and is hired as a cow-puncher. Nita Dudley, the daughter of the ranch owner, comes home from school, creating a flutter of pleasurable excitement about the ranch. The pilgrim takes everything calmly, registering no excitement over the arrival of Nita, and still less over the act of striking down Joe Mex with a blow, when that worthy attempts to interfere with his drink and his comfort in the saloon and dance hall. Joe Mex is found after the melee, lying prone on the floor, stabbed with his own knife. The pilgrim mounts his horse and rides back to the ranch. In the brush near the ranch house the pilgrim grimly rolls a cigarette while the cowboys search for him. Nita, hearing of the fight, dons her western attire, takes her emergency kit and starts off to the aid of the injured Joe Mex , knowing he will need help. Losing her way, she meets the pilgrim, who escorts her safely to the side of the wounded Joe. The pilgrim clears the room and in a cool, calm manner assists Nita in caring for the wounded man. His rare courage is rewarded by her friendship and in the days that follow Nita and the pilgrim enjoy many lone walks and rides together. And one day, when the pilgrim, emboldened by her attitude, declares his love for her, she takes a picture from her dresser and hands it to him with the simple announcement, "We are to be married next month." True to his cool nature, the pilgrim accepts the information blankly, lifts his hat, nods a calm farewell, and joins again the great army of pilgrims, riding, scouting, working, floating throughout the vast cowlands of the West. - Moving Picture World, June 17, 1916
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