
Release Date:   May 08, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Russell
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Robert Klein, Charlotte Burton, Harry Keenan,
Story Summary:
Lowell Sherman believes that he has an idyllic marriage, but his wife Alice has begun an affair with his best friend behind his back, Cryil Carr, who is also married. When Lowell finds out about the affair, he ruins Cyril financially. After going bankrupt Cyril commits suicide, and Alice leaves Lowell when she finds out that he knew of the affair and plotted against her lover. Lowell, feeling guilty, starts supporting Cyril’s son Tommy. Through his visits to the boy, Lowell falls in love with Cyril’s widow Muriel and the two get married as soon as his first marriage is annulled. -Moving Picture World, May 20, 1916
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