Billy Van Deusen's Operation

Release Date:   June 07, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   John Steppling, Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, Dick Rosson, Robert Klein,
Story Summary:
Billy Van Deusen meets a fair one in front of his club, and insists on riding in her auto after he has helped her with mechanical trouble. To get rid of him, she induces him to crawl under the machine and then runs over him. When Billy gets to the hospital, he finds in the nurse who attends him the fair one who figured in his adventure earlier in the day. In the hospital, the doctors get Billy mixed with another patient, who is scheduled for an operation, and are about to carve him when the fair one, repenting, rushes to his rescue. When Billy learns, however, that she is already married to one of the doctors at the hospital, he grabs a bottle of ether and puts himself to sleep. -Moving Picture World, May 20, 1916
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