Ima Knutt Gets a Bite

Release Date:   June 04, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Nate Watt
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey,
Story Summary:
Mother-in-law and Liza decide to join the Sunday School picnic for a day at the sea side. Ima, much against his will, is forced to join them. He, however, prepares for accidents by taking along with him a large flask of his favorite brand. Ima thinks he is going to have rather a slow time but when he arrives at the fete he discovers so many fascinations that is only with difficulty that Liza and mother-in-law can drag him away from the fascinating damsels who want to teach him to swim. Ima is placed on the pier with a rented rod and line to occupy himself with the harmless pursuit of fishing. Ima finds things rather slow as he is surrounded by nothing but old fogies who seem to catch all the fish while he none. He finds a congenial spirit who, for a share of the contents of his bottle, first explains to him that it is necessary to have bait on the hook to catch fish and then spins a wonderful yarn of deep sea fishing that Ima is persuaded to hire a boat and put out to sea, accompanied by his friend. They arrive at a spot in the ocean where his friend informs him they are bound to have success. They fortify themselves for a battle with the denizens of the deep. Much to Ima's astonishment he really gets a bite, and a big one. The fight between the fish and Ima is one sided, the fish winning and pulling him overboard, upsetting the boat. Ima sinks to the bottom of the ocean and like all drowning men his past sins in all their horror come to him as his breath leaves his body. He reaches the bottom and obtains a new lease of life when he finds himself pursued by the horrible monsters of the deep. He is rescued eventually by a mermaid, who lends him her coach and horses and is dragged from the water by mother-in-law and Liza who, with the aid of the guard have seen the accident and have come to his rescue. Moving Picture World, June 10, 1916
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